22. November
Gegen das Novembergrau der letzten Tage. Neue Schals für Leo und mich. Nicht selbst gestrickt, sondern - ein bisschen gegen die Strickerehre - fix und fertig bei H&M gekauft :-)
clickclack - 22. Nov, 22:09
Lara (Gast) - 22. Nov, 22:32
sehr schoen, schoene Farben, schoener bildausschnitt, und ihr habt bestimmt jetzt immer gute Laune.
Sara (Gast) - 23. Nov, 02:14
I've just found your blog and enjoy at 2 a.m. your outstanding photos! Oh I wish I'd known it before. Your city is sooooo beautiful! I visited it many times but always in run, always on way to Somewhere Very Else and all I managed was to have some coffee and feel as much of the atmosphere as possible... I recognize here, however, the stories told by my friend who studied in Berlin.
I'm so glad you came back to blogging!:)
Best wishes -
I've just found your blog and enjoy at 2 a.m. your outstanding photos! Oh I wish I'd known it before. Your city is sooooo beautiful! I visited it many times but always in run, always on way to Somewhere Very Else and all I managed was to have some coffee and feel as much of the atmosphere as possible... I recognize here, however, the stories told by my friend who studied in Berlin.
I'm so glad you came back to blogging!:)
Best wishes -
Schön :-)))
Lieben Gruß
Du hast nicht zufällig im letzten Jahr den Lego-Tannenbaum im Sony-Center fotografiert. Wir waren ein paar Urlaubstage in Berlin, leider ohne Kamera.