16. November
Sonntagnachmittage verbringe ich liebend gern im Kino. Heute haben Leo und ich uns den neuen Bond angesehen: ich fand es richtig klasse, das altkluge Kind hingegen meinte, die alten Sean-Connery-Filme wären besser gewesen ...
(Sabine, es ist wohl wirklich dein Kind, nicht meines ;-))
clickclack - 16. Nov, 19:20
christin (Gast) - 21. Nov, 18:23
did i get this right?
Ok, as an employee in the film promotion business I should know that 7 years old watch films intended for at least 12 years old but I can't help, I'm always rather surprised to hear from parents that they really think this is normal - at my opinion this film is not suitable for a 7 years old, despite the fact that he is precocious for his age ...
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lg, sab